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GUNNER Saskatoon Color Gives Back to Ducks Unlimited

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Duck Harvesting: Attracting Waterfowl with Ideal Seed Choices and Planting For Ducks

Attracting ducks to your hunting grounds requires more than just a passion for the sport; it calls for a deep understanding of their needs and behaviors. Let’s delve into the world of duck harvesting, exploring the art of attracting waterfowl with the ideal duck seed choices and planting techniques.

Mastering the River Dance: The Best Tips and Duck Decoy Spreads for Rivers

When winter rains flood pastures and grainfields, draw ducks in by leaving scattered piles of tall grass or brush for them to get used to. Set up layout blinds, completely camouflaged with grass to match the surrounding cover.

The Art of Flocking Decoys: A Step-by-Step Guide

Flocking full-body decoys requires attention to detail and patience and is the perfect off-season decoy project. It is essential to disassemble the decoys to facilitate an even and thorough flocking process.

Goose Nest Identification and Nesting Box Construction

 Learn about the importance of identifying goose nests and constructing nesting boxes to protect goose eggs and ensure the preservation of their population.

Navigating Florida Public Land

When it comes to duck hunting, everyone is thinking of either Canada or the Midwest. With this article, we’re going to switch it up a bit and get into what Florida has to offer in terms of duck hunting.

Water for Waterfowl in the Arid West

Out West, way out West. There is a critical issue regarding the management of water and by extension wetlands in some areas that has a direct and dire effect on waterfowl, among other things. Some states are doing better than others with the resource, and perhaps there are things to learn from these states. If you are familiar with it, you know what we’re talking about- and if you aren’t, here’s your chance to learn more about what’s going on with the water out West.


North of the Border Gear Kit

Canada and its providences are a waterfowler's paradise. It offers hunters abundant opportunities for a variety of unpressured birds. Everything from ducks, geese, and...


North of the Border Gear Kit

Canada and its providences are a waterfowler's paradise. It offers hunters abundant opportunities for...

GUNNER Saskatoon Color Gives Back to Ducks Unlimited

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5 Tips For Summer Dog Training 

As the summer heat drags on and we enter into the Dog Days of...

From hunting tips to tasty recipes, make this season a success

Articles, videos, and original series illustrating key tips and techniques, gear reviews, hunting strategies, and much more - all designed for both seasoned hunters and beginners, as well as everyone inbetween.