
SR. Why do you hunt?

JB. I hunt for several reasons. It has been a way of life in my family for generations. Hunting and fishing wasn’t something we did, we lived for it. I hunt to escape my career as a pipe welder in man made hell. Luckily enough for me I’m at the stage of life I’m getting to pass on the outdoors lifestyle with my two kids!

SR. How did you get into waterfowl hunting?

JB. I was waterfowl hunting with my old man and brothers as long as I can remember, long before I could pack a gun.

SR. Ways waterfowl hunting has had a positive impact on your life?

JB.  I’ve met a select few of life long friends, built a love for the discomfort. Bad weather, stuck trucks and no birds. I’ve learned what’s really important in life.

JB. Social media has transformed the waterfowl world. People have lost the meaning of what it means to hunt. It’s been turned into a numbers game. I have found myself on both sides of the fence, but later in life I can honestly say it’s about the ride. Not the stack or the picture.

SR. Where do you see waterfowl hunting in 50 years?

JB.  Cross my fingers that waterfowl will continue to be a time old tradition. I hope people realize the impact they have on the sport and how it’s viewed. Shoving a duck bill down a barrel isn’t helping out what we love.

SR.Worst experience with a new hunting buddy?

JB. Calling. Helping with setup and takedown. Almost threw hands with a few who watched as we dug stuck trucks out.

SR. Biggest cluster-fck you have ever had while hunting?

JB. Almost lost a brand new Cummins and decoy trailer crossing a creek. Got stuck and ice jammed against the truck and trailer shoving it down stream. Guy rolling into our snow spread on a Sunday morning yelling we’d woke him up with shooting the last six days. And he wouldn’t leave. Crossed a creek next to a riffle in the dark, (no headlamp) hit the far bank took a few steps and had a cow moose run me over. Big decoy bag cushioned me good.

SR. Best band story?

JB. Shot a Rossy band that was banded on my birthday 9 years prior. Watched my old man shoot one time folding two bluebills – both banded.

SR. If you could legally hunt one day with no limits and no regulations, would you do it?

JB. 10 years ago- hell ya. Now I can’t say I would. I’ve killed a lot of birds and seen big piles. I rather shoot 7 greenheads with my kids.

SR. Go-to derailment food/beverage at gas station?

JB.  Doritos and Mountain Dew. Stay away from the burritos unless you gotta lot of toilet paper!

SR. Favorite duck/goose recipe?

JB. Fajitas

SR. Ever been divorced or dumped because of your hunting?

JB. Kept a girlfriend a month just to hunt opener on her dads place… dumped her Monday.

SR. What are top three things a hunter could do to never get invited back?

JB. If I invite you it doesn’t mean show up with YOUR friends in the morning. Say thank you. If you don’t help out.

SR. Would you rather hunt with Donald Trump or Pamela Anderson?

JB.  Trump. Don’t need another squaw.

SR. Do you think the waterfowl industry has got soft? Explain.

JB. Yes and no. It’s become cutthroat all about numbers and repping brands. It’s all good to stick to what you like. But the floppy attention seekers that bounce around are a joke. Hunt for yourself not the the use of others.

SR. Best advice for someone brand new to waterfowl hunting?

JB. Scout, respect others and landowners it’s a privilege not a right. Don’t set up next to someone who beat you there. Don’t Arkansas hail….. period. Never take anyone to a spot you were shown.

SR. What is your top bucket list bird to kill, that you haven’t killed yet?

Banded bull sprig.

SR. Who are your two favorite people to hunt with?

JB. Vince huff & my 6 yr old boy.

SR. If you could hunt with anyone in the world, who would it be?

JB. My grandad.

SR. Chewer or smoker? Or other habits you only have during season?

JB.  Copenhagen long cut. Buy the whole log.

SR. What it takes to be success freelance or public land hunter?

JB. Scout

SR. Biggest “idol” hunter when you were growing up?

JB. Fred Zink

SR. Greenhead purist or duck killer? opinions?

JB. Greenheads…. depends on the situation if their in there you might have to pass the others up. I’m always up for a challenge.

SR. How much would you have to be paid to throw all your bands in the ocean?

JB.  It’s a long toss to the ocean.