Ryan Barnes for SPLIT REED


This past week, the Missouri Department of Conservation confirmed an outbreak of Avian Influenza (HPAI) in and around Clay County, MO. The first case was found in the American white pelican, which has now been found in snow and ross geese in surrounding counties.

The story (first reported by WildFowl Magazine), has developed since, with developments and cases increasing every day. Multiple other species of waterfowl have been confirmed with HPAI. Such species include mallards, gadwalls, mergansers, and possibly teal.

The MDC is working in conjunction with the National Veterinary Services Lab located in Ames, Iowa, where samples have been tested and confirmed.

As of Thursday (3/17/2022) the cases had spread rampantly throughout the country. With over 350 birds having been confirmed cases with HPAI according to the USDA. Unlike other strains of viruses, HPAI is highly pathogenic and is easily transmittable from bird to bird.

Birds such as turkeys, pheasants, waterfowl, chickens, quail, and a multitude of others are all susceptible to the virus.

The virus has since spread from Missouri to the following states: Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Florida. (source: www.aphis.usda.org)

While not all of these cases in their respective state have been confirmed in waterfowl, it is cause for concern to the nature of the virus. Considering that it can be quickly transferred from species to species.

With the snow goose conservation season in full effect, and the confirmed cases having been found in light geese, it might be good practice to be mindful of the birds you decide to consume. Take a second glance before you throw that breast on the smoker.

This is an ongoing story and we intend to keep our audience up to date with any more breaking information.