
Knowledge is Power: Waterfowl Research

Waterfowlers truly enjoy putting special trinkets of metal on...

Creating the Perfect Duck Impoundment: Designing an Ideal Waterfowl Habitat

Imagine a tranquil expanse of wetlands, carefully designed and...

Economic Impacts of Waterfowl Hunting

Hunting stimulates the economy, at scale. Both smaller rural communities and the national economy both receive significant influxes of money thanks to the efforts of sportsmen.

The Initiative of the Osage Basin

The private part of the puzzle in land management is as difficult as public land. With all of the focus falling on the public land. Groups like Osage Basin Wetlands have come together in effort to help landowners do more for their habitat.

Goose Nest Identification and Nesting Box Construction

 Learn about the importance of identifying goose nests and constructing nesting boxes to protect goose eggs and ensure the preservation of their population.

Water for Waterfowl in the Arid West

Out West, way out West. There is a critical issue regarding the management of water and by extension wetlands in some areas that has a direct and dire effect on waterfowl, among other things. Some states are doing better than others with the resource, and perhaps there are things to learn from these states. If you are familiar with it, you know what we’re talking about- and if you aren’t, here’s your chance to learn more about what’s going on with the water out West.

Blue Laws

An archaic law found across the east coast and south has long past its effective date. Limiting access and hunter participation, these states need to rectify the regulations.

Breaking News: Bird Flu Update and Cholera Situations

The bird flu wasn’t just a problem of Spring 2022, as it continues to kill both wild and domestic birds across the country and continent into Fall 2022 - and Cholera is making an appearance as well. Ryan Barnes for Split Reed with a breaking news update.