Waterfowl Shotgun Ban Bill

This bill could land your waterfowl shotgun on a banned list.

Putting Your Money Where Your Birds Aren’t

Support the organizations that support your lifestyle and our hunting culture.

How Turkey Camo Makes More Turkeys

An exciting conservation play by one of the biggest names in the hunting industry- Mossy Oak and the Wild Turkey Stamp.

Where has the Marsh Gone?

The river runs through it, for hundreds of miles finally depositing past Venice, Louisiana into the Gulf of Mexico. A football field of marsh is lost every 100 minutes and duck hunters won’t be haunted by the waters like Norman Maclean, but by the loss of the wintering habitat, the waters are taking away.

Waterfowl Production Down 27%

Recent information from agencies suggests that production numbers of waterfowl in the prairie pothole regions down over 25%. That 4 pack of mallards is now 3. The 8 pack of teal is now 6. Waterfowl news from Split Reed.

Pile Pics and the Power of the Post

This isn’t a plea or a question, but a fact: we can all do better on how we represent waterfowling. Today there are important things to consider when you choose to share online.

Why are Waterfowl Federally Managed?

Waterfowl were once hunted to critically low numbers. Federal reform and regulation have allowed gamebirds to rebound back to tremendous numbers, and the key is multi-national agreements and regulation above the state levels.

What’s the deal with bands anyway?

Bands will make a guy crazy, and rightly so- but there is a bigger picture behind all of the hoopla that goes with being fortunate enough to crimp another onto your lanyard.