What’s the deal with bands anyway?

Bands will make a guy crazy, and rightly so- but there is a bigger picture behind all of the hoopla that goes with being fortunate enough to crimp another onto your lanyard.

Take a Kid Hunting

Is your child ready for an introduction to the world of waterfowl hunting?

Spring Legion: Hunter Farrior

For some, the tales of the Turkey woods reach deep down into their craw- Hunter Farrior is one of those guys.

10 Calls Every Goose Hunter Should Have in Their Collection

There are a lot of goose calls out there- some iconic and many high-performing. Here is our pick of the top 10 goose calls any call collector should think about adding to their lanyards.

Turkey Hunter vs Mountain Lion

Split-second decision making in the turkey woods can make or break a hunt- or even save your life!

Getting Back to Our Waterfowling Roots

Satisfaction about a hunt can mean a few different things- sometimes you need to step outside of your contemporary mindset and think about simpler times.

Turkey Slam

Walker Davidson for Split Reed on the subspecies in the Turkey Grand Slam

Maryland Moratorium

Breeding pairs once let to a moratorium on goose hunting in Maryland, could it happen again?