Duck Depression: Welcome to the Offseason

When duck season ends, duck depression sets in. Ben Buchholz for Split Reed talks on ways to pass the off-season.

Sky Blasting

Will Poston with a few reasons why you ought not skyblast!

Bouncing Back from a Bad Season

Ryan Barnes for Split Reed on handling a poor season.

Frustrating Rewards: Freelance Hunting

Kyle Doolittle from CallNFallWaterfowlers with an ‘ode to freelancing’ article for Split Reed

How to Deal with Hunter Harassment

Ryan Barnes for Split Reed on Hunter Harassment, and how to handle it

Hunters vs Killers

What does it mean to you, to be a hunter vs being a killer?

Birds Eye View

Chris Ingram for SPLIT REED on how knocking on a door for permission to a field put him a few thousand feet in the air.

Shop Sessions with Big Sean

An evening in the shop with Big Sean at Big Seans Championship Calls, by Ben Buchholz for SPLIT REED