5 Tips: Introducing New Hunters

It’s the beginning of a new season, and we’re going to have a few new hunters! Ryan Barnes lays out five tips for introducing new hunters to waterfowl hunting.

Asian Duck Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce

Looking for a fun at-home Mothers Day appetizer? This is a crowd-pleaser in which everyone can participate. Prep the duck, vegetables, and sauces. Set up an assembly line so your family can create their own spring rolls!

Helpful Things to Bring to the Blind

Every now and then you notice something someone else is doing or has with them, and think, “that’s a great idea, I should do that (or bring one of those with me) next hunt” - here are a few things you may or may not already have with you on hunts to make things a little easier.

Actually Cleaning your Shotgun

If you haven’t done it yet, you should probably give your shotgun(s) a full taking-care-of as the season transitions from the end of waterfowl, into turkey now and then to the off-season.

7 Tips for Better Waterfowl Photos

TJ Booth lends some informative tips on how to produce quality waterfowl photos!

Duck and Sausage Spears

Always a crowd pleaser, these kabobs can be made in advance and refrigerated until your guests arrive.

5 Waterfowl Fallacies that Need to Go!

What do you think about these common thoughts about waterfowling?

Metal Detector Duck

Crunch! Biting down on shot is a real mother.. and I personally have no interest in having it happen ever again. If you feel the same, check out this article on detecting metal in ducks!