A Guide for Guides: Emergency First Aid

Anytime you’re working with firearms, the danger of injusry is just one simple mistake away. We wanted to know how outfitters and guides could be more prepared for the worst, so we asked an expert.

Trafficking with Eric Strand of Born and Raised Call Co.

Tips for trafficking geese with Eric Strand of S2 Outfitters and S2 Calls

Big Water Honkers

Hunting honkers over larger bodies of water is a different kind of hunt. Find your loaf or run some traffic and check out these tips to take down a few geese over the big wet.

The Dog Days of Summer

A good retriever is always ready to go, but it’s not always time for them to go full tilt. For their own sake sometimes we have to ease them off the throttle, and sometimes you need to remember to keep the work light. Summertime training is important, especially ahead of waterfowl season, but be sure to keep in mind your hunting buddy’s health during the long hot days of the preseason.

Fishing this Summer to help your Hunting this Fall

Get out on the water for some line and hook action this summer; you never know what you may find to help your fall hunting season odds!

5 Ways to Get Motivated to Kill More Geese (We Guarantee You Won’t Read...

If you’re scratching out a few birds here and there, but want to elevate your game to that next level, that pickup-box full of honkers level, you might need to work on a few things.

5 Tips: Introducing New Hunters

It’s the beginning of a new season, and we’re going to have a few new hunters! Ryan Barnes lays out five tips for introducing new hunters to waterfowl hunting.

Helpful Things to Bring to the Blind

Every now and then you notice something someone else is doing or has with them, and think, “that’s a great idea, I should do that (or bring one of those with me) next hunt” - here are a few things you may or may not already have with you on hunts to make things a little easier.