Actually Cleaning your Shotgun

If you haven’t done it yet, you should probably give your shotgun(s) a full taking-care-of as the season transitions from the end of waterfowl, into turkey now and then to the off-season.

7 Tips for Better Waterfowl Photos

TJ Booth lends some informative tips on how to produce quality waterfowl photos!

5 Waterfowl Fallacies that Need to Go!

What do you think about these common thoughts about waterfowling?

Calling the Shot: What Not to Do

When is the right time to call the shot, and when is the wrong time? Ryan Barnes for Split Reed with some Tips on Calling the Shot, and When to Not.

To Train or Not To Train: Deciding Whether or Not to Send Your Dog...

So you’re getting a new pup and it’s going to be a duck dog- but how will he/she get there? Will you dedicate the time and energy to training him or her yourself, or send your new four-legged hunting buddy to a pro?

10 Reasons Why Waterfowlers Fail

Sometimes, the birds just don’t cooperate- other times, operator error.

5 Tips for Keeping your Boat Ready for Fall

Off-season care of your river, timber, slough, or lake running rig can keep unexpected issues from arising in the middle of the season, or even in the middle of a hunt. Off-season boat care tips!

Getting Back to Our Waterfowling Roots

Satisfaction about a hunt can mean a few different things- sometimes you need to step outside of your contemporary mindset and think about simpler times.