Split Reed Spotlight: World Goose Calling Champ John Walls

Ryan Barnes catches up with 2022 World Goose Calling Champion, 2014 World Live Goose Calling Champion, 2018 World Live Duck Calling Champion, 3x World Team Goose Calling Champion, John Walls

Finding your own Dove Hunt

Dove hunting is a great way to get into the mindset of shotgunning and bird hunting in the early season. With Dove season right around the corner, now is the best time to be scouting for ‘em. Ryan Barnes has a few tips for where to find a dove hunt if you’re new to the action.

Gearing up for Early Season Goose

The early season is inching closer. There’s always stuff to do and things to prepare for. Procrastination can always ruin the chance at a good hunt, so do yourself a favor and jump on whatever it is you need to tackle before you need to be loading up for the hunt in the morning

Green Trees & Greenheads

Synonymous with all things mallards in Arkansas, the cathedrals of flooded timber are what dreams are made of. These timber stands are in peril though from years of too much water over too long of periods. What’s being done by Arkansas Fish & Game to protect the flooded timber stands for future generations?

Roost Hunting, it’s Taboo

Roost hunting. It’s taboo, it’s a no-no, and we as hunters should provide our quarry a sanctuary for a number of reasons.

Why Turkeys are the Easiest & Hardest Bird to Kill

This could ruffle some (turkey) feathers.

Ducks in the Turkey Woods

Discovering a diamond in the rough when you least expect it, and recognizing the potential for ducks and turkeys in the right conditions.

Is a Mallard a Mallard?

Who doesn’t love the glimmer of greenheads in the rising sun, the cupped wings that keep us all awake at night in the off-season? They are the most populous duck in North America found in every flyway. But does it really belong to each one and is it really a “mallard”?