Big White Birds and the Art of Swan Hunting

There are 9 states in the US that allow...

Call Me the Breeze

Changes in temperatures, the seasons shifting, and the wind cutting crisp- what does it all mean to you..

How to Prepare for Your First Waterfowl Hunt

Preparing for your first waterfowl hunt can be daunting- it helps to have buddies who can show you the way but take a look at this article for a few extra tips on how to get ready for the whistling wings and reports of a 12ga on your first duck or goose hunt.

Waterfowl Nest Predation and Management

Less nesting habitat means more pressure on those breeding birds for successful hatches, but predator numbers have also been on the rise. How does predation impact nesting and what can be done about it?

Big Water Honkers

Hunting honkers over larger bodies of water is a different kind of hunt. Find your loaf or run some traffic and check out these tips to take down a few geese over the big wet.

Hunter and Hoops

Three months on the road, living in a pull-behind camper, sightseeing, and chasing turkeys.. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal if you ask us!

Waterfowl Production Down 27%

Recent information from agencies suggests that production numbers of waterfowl in the prairie pothole regions down over 25%. That 4 pack of mallards is now 3. The 8 pack of teal is now 6. Waterfowl news from Split Reed.

Why are Waterfowl Federally Managed?

Waterfowl were once hunted to critically low numbers. Federal reform and regulation have allowed gamebirds to rebound back to tremendous numbers, and the key is multi-national agreements and regulation above the state levels.