Small Gauges for Big Birds

Parker Knox for SPLIT REED

Bet your Boots

Lauren Brady takes on Mississippi Public Land in pursuit of Eastern Turkeys

Duck Depression: Welcome to the Offseason

When duck season ends, duck depression sets in. Ben Buchholz for Split Reed talks on ways to pass the off-season.

Beginners Guide to Snow Goose Hunting

Rob Kinney for Split Reed talks with Mike Kendall and weighs in on Snow Goose Hunting

APEX Ammo – Turkey

APEX Ammunition, make it your go-to for this upcoming Spring Turkey season

Spring Waterfowl Photography: Capturing the Migration North

Parker Knox with a few things to keep in mind when exploring Spring waterfowl photography.

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is something of a modern waterfowlers ultimate resource. He’s who you go to when you need help identifying anything waterfowl related. We caught up with Ben to have him answer some questions for us on hybrids and domestics.

Macks World Snow Goose Competition Hunt

What’s your opinion on the Macks Prairie Wings World Championship Snow Goose Conservation Hunt?