Waterfowl Production Down 27%

Recent information from agencies suggests that production numbers of waterfowl in the prairie pothole regions down over 25%. That 4 pack of mallards is now 3. The 8 pack of teal is now 6. Waterfowl news from Split Reed.

Why are Waterfowl Federally Managed?

Waterfowl were once hunted to critically low numbers. Federal reform and regulation have allowed gamebirds to rebound back to tremendous numbers, and the key is multi-national agreements and regulation above the state levels.

What’s the deal with bands anyway?

Bands will make a guy crazy, and rightly so- but there is a bigger picture behind all of the hoopla that goes with being fortunate enough to crimp another onto your lanyard.

Getting Back to Our Waterfowling Roots

Satisfaction about a hunt can mean a few different things- sometimes you need to step outside of your contemporary mindset and think about simpler times.

Top 5 Waterfowl Hunting ‘Sleeper States’

Maybe you’ve been overlooking some states regarding the quality of waterfowl hunting they can offer?

5 Tips for Late Season MOJO Use

Running MOJO’s can be a great season-long tool to add to your duck spread, use these tips to find more success in late season hunts!

Waterfowl Feathers Turned Fly Fishing Flies

Making the most out of your birds after a hunt just got a little more interesting for our Fly Fishing friends.

Taking the Next Step in Waterfowling

How do you go from a weekend warrior scratching out a few birds on a Saturday to the guy shooting limits of ducks and geese a few days a week? Circumstance plays a big role, but so does planning for your goals.