

SR: Where do you typically hunt? Species targeted? Type of habitat? Hunting methods?

MP: You can typically find me kicking around the prairie pothole region chasing dry field mallards early in the fall  and the mighty MO chasing skinny water green heads and big ole sky donkeys in the cornfields. Come spring I’m headed south to start the war on the white birds in Arkansas.

SR: How did you get into waterfowl hunting? Age?

MP: Early teen years when my family would go on a hunting trip with relatives from out of state. All it took was a taste of it and I was hooked.

SR: Ways waterfowl hunting has had a positive impact on your life?

MP: It has created many lifelong friendships and being in the industry has pushed me to better myself on more than one occasion.

SR: Ways waterfowl hunting has had a negative impact on your life?

MP: I drink more monsters before noon typically than the average group of preteens at a sleepover.

SR:Where do you see waterfowl hunting in 50 years?

MP:Hopefully still rich in tradition but let’s all be honest we will probably never come back from the insta pile hero shots that the sport has taken a downward spiral towards.

SR: Worst experience with a client?

MP: Being the main man behind the business I get to hear all of it. For the most part we have not had any huge deals but somedays you just gotta ask yourself what some guys want. Like seriously if I gave them a bar of gold they would tell me its too fucking heavy.

SR: Biggest cluster-fck you have ever had while hunting?

MP: I think cluster fucks are just a part of it. It all comes down to how well you can handle the situation after the cluster. I’ve ran my pickup dead listening to tunes while setting up at night more than once while solo hunting……oops still shot birds though!

SR: Best band story? Funny, arguments, unique bird, etc.

MP: Well any band I pulled out of a draw on Jon hoover has a special place with me!  A few years ago we shot a band on the same day that one of my good friends passed away from cancer, After looking into it a little more later on I found out that same bird was banded on my birthday the year I graduated high school…I know to this day he sent us that band.

SR: If you could legally hunt one day with no limits and no regulations, would you do it?

MP: Ummmmm Hello you ever heard of Mexico……..

SR: Go-to derailment food/beverage at gas station?

MP: The orange sugar free monsters and Copenhagen wintergreen

SR: If you had to have a barrel sticker, what would it be?

MP: #duckslut

SR: Favorite duck/goose recipe?

MP: Pulled BBQ Goose

SR: Ever been divorced or dumped because of your hunting?

MP: Dumped for sure……She was in the hospital getting her appendix removed…..we had a hot field!

SR: What are the top three things a hunter could do to never get invited back? Funny or serious.

MP: You ever heard the phrase don’t guide the guide!…..YEA DONT FUCKING DO IT! Don’t shoot at or near my dog. Any blatantly unsafe acts.

SR: Would you rather hunt with Donald Trump or Nicki Minaj?

MP: Trumps Daughter…..FO SHO

SR: Do you think the waterfowl industry has got soft? Explain.

MP: I think the newer generations are softer. Not sure that the older part of the industry really has but in general the newer generations are . I see this in the oilfield daily as well.

SR: Best advice for someone brand new to waterfowl hunting?

MP: Scout, Scout, and Scout some more. Get a job, gas aint cheap. Dont be a fucking internet scouter.

SR: Have you ever stripped a band from a terrible client, and how did it make you feel?

MP: I can honestly say that I have not. I have been tempted more than once but can say I haven’t. I will say I wish I had asked to have the band that we shot the day Maus passed but other than that bands are cool and a lot of the ones shot while I have been guiding have went to kids so that’s cool with me.

SR: What is your top bucket list bird to kill, that you haven’t killed yet?

MP: I’m gonna have to go with a Harlequin

SR: Who are your two favorite people to hunt with?

MP: My old man and little brother when our schedules align, I look forward to the day that my little guy is ready to roll.

SR: Chewer or smoker?

MP: Chewer

SR: First decoys you ever bought with your own money?

MP: Hot buys baby!

SR: Biggest impulse buy you have ever made for hunting gear, and never used it?

MP: Hmmmm Dakota Canada goose floaters…..you’ll know what I mean if you have ever owned any and decided they are way too big to be hauling anywhere. I have a dozen in the shop loft if anyone is interested haha

SR: If you had to guess the average weight of waterfowl hunters what would it be? Male and Female

MP: Are we talking true female waterfowlers or the insta queens?

SR: Biggest “idol” hunter when you were growing up? Or today?

MP: If you didn’t own a Foiles video back in the day are you even a waterfowler.

SR: If you could get a 10k sponsorship by any three companies in the world, who would they be? Knowing you would have to rep their name.

MP: Hevishot…..a person would be dumb not to choose an ammo company. Sitka and Canam.

SR: What’s your opening line on tinder, bumble, hinge?

MP: I’m out of that game, Tinder got me years ago…you ever heard of a Tinder surprise………Yea I got a Tinder surprise haha and he is the best thing in my world.

SR: Greenhead purist or duck killer?

MP: Greenhead purist

SR: Whats some new gear you are adding to your arsenal for next season?

MP: Avery plastic corn……You’ll thank me later.

SR: How much would you have to be paid to throw all your bands in the ocean?

MP: Shit they are just pieces of metal………that you would have to rip from my cold dead hands to throw in the ocean.

Matt Piehl – @piehlio, 701-290-6582

Dirty Bird Outfitters – @dirtybirdoutfitters, www.dirtybirdoutfitters.com
