This morning as I was getting ready for the day, I was skimming through a magazine that publishes article after article, month after month. As a writer, I can appreciate the art of putting words to paper in a manner that flows and makes an engaging read. As a waterfowl hunter, I tend to lose interest in the generic garbage I’ve read time and time again.

When I first started writing for Split Reed back in 2018, that was the main goal- DON’T BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! We want our articles to pique people’s interests and engage the audience. Not just be something to kill time while you read on the shitter. But how do you separate yourself from the crowd? Especially with so many other publications out there.

We do the tips and tricks, we do the interviews, and we do the news articles; but as an editor and consumer of our own articles, the main thing that separates us from the others is the fact that we talk about what others don’t. When I conduct an interview, I want to know about the intricate details of what that person has accomplished. I don’t just want to ask the written questions that people already know the answers to. We also want to tell the stories of people behind the scenes. We want to find the people who aren’t in the waterfowling “spotlight” and tell their stories. Some of the most interesting stories I’ve heard have been from people that I would have never known about had I not reached out and conducted an interview.

Since the get-go, Split Reed founder and owner Nick Costas has wanted our articles to be something that people read, enjoy, and talk to their friends about. We want our articles to be something that hunters talk about in the blind, not something you read scrolling through social media and forget about halfway through.

So back to the title of the article- What makes our articles any different? Our articles are different because we’re hunters too. We know what hunters want to read about. We want to share the stories and news from around the hunting world that do anything from inspiring to motivating to even aggravating at times. We’ve shared articles about some of the most prolific guides to news reports about what’s going on with specklebelly migrations.

We try to share what others are too scared to. If someone out there is too afraid to talk about a certain topic or subject, we want a first-row seat to interview and report. Because we want our audience to hear about it. We want to be different from every other journalism platform out there.

If you walk away from one of our articles thinking that it was a waste of your time, we apologize and promise to do better! If you enjoy what we put out, and like what you read on our website, we thank you for your support!