The Most Winningest Goose Call Makers

Ryan Barnes for SPLIT REED

Cover Photo Courtesy of Forrest Carpenter via Tim Grounds Championship Calls

Something I’ve always found myself enamored by is dominance. I think it’s amazing that certain teams, athletes, and competitors can retain such a powerful streak of winning. Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan- I know most people tend to cheer for the underdog, and I do as well, but I can also appreciate greatness when I see it.

That’s why I wanted to see who the most dominant call makers have been when it comes to the world of competitive goose (duck calling will soon follow). Now, before you read any further, I’m handcuffed to the info that I can find online. Specifically through the website and the fine work done by Mike Eddy. There may be some contests that happened off the record here and there, but for the most part, I think the top 5 are pretty much solidified.

Starting off in the number 5 slot:


From the “OG” Guide Series call to the GP goose call, Bill Saunders created calls that killed geese and ran the West Coast when it came to calling contests. With guides and staffers winning contests multiple years in a row from home base in Washington, to California, to even more recently in Texas. Saunders’ calls were dominant on the West Coast stages for years. Averaging 5 wins a year in the early 2000s. Saunders himself was winning contests all along the Pacific Flyway, as were most of his pro-staffers. His calls were even used by RJ Dick to secure a world title in 2015. Locking Bill Saunders Calls in at number 5.

4. (TIE)



In a similar fashion to Bill Saunders Calls, Bay Country Calls hit a very specific market on the Eastern Shore and quickly started taking over the stage. Likewise, Zink Calls, from Port Clinton, Ohio, became popular in the early to mid-2000s, and many callers jumped ship to the loud, trumpet flared end that Fred had come out with. Both call makers had some extremely talented callers using their calls, and both call makers had callers take home world titles with their calls.

Due to the information given, the extremely similar amount of wins that both these call makers have, and the information listed online from other callers, the tally comes identically close. With some years hauling in over 10 wins on stage, they both have cemented themselves as call makers who can deliver a call to kill birds, and win checks. From Bay Country’s “Shore Thing” to Zink’s “Paralyzer” and “Money Maker”, they have created some amazing calls to help their competitors win.


Many a win has been credited to the Strait Meat Honker. Canadian titles, World titles, and any sort of championship in between. There’s no secret that Foiles created a call that won over as many judges as it did geese. Some years brought in over 12 wins in a single year. Averaging 6 wins per year between 2004-2012, Foiles Migrators/Rok Outdoors has won a lot of money and hardware with that Strait Meat Honker. However, not just that call has been a winner. The CCC (Cole’s Carnage Collector), has also seen its fair share of the final round wins. With a few world titles, Foiles Migrators has been a force to be reckoned with on stage. Especially in the hands of the many talented callers that have brought them to the contest.


Sean Mann delivered dominance to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Both in the field and on the stage. With his iconic Eastern Shoreman winning titles hand over fist, and his tube call doing the same. Mann created calls that allowed competitors to gain an edge over the competition for years. Multiple years can be recounted with win upon win upon win by contestants using Sean Mann’s calls. Whether it was the Eastern Shoreman, or the shorty, Sean Mann calls were, and still are, a powerhouse when it comes to winning contests. Back between the years of ‘85 to ‘92, Mann’s calls were averaging around 8 wins a year. There is some fluctuation, but the tally of wins during the hair band era was staggering. With Sean Mann going for 3 straight world titles, and multiple others using his calls to win contests in back-to-back years. It comes as no surprise that Sean Mann comes in an impressive second place.

Now, for first place. Most have probably known who the belt holder is without reading the entire article, but here it is.


There obviously shouldn’t be any shock factor here. Tim Grounds calls have been dominating the contest circuit with everything from his “Guide’s Best” flute, to his “Half Breed” short reed. From the great Tim Grounds to Hunter Grounds, to Kelley Powers, to Robbie Iverson, there have been titles pouring in from those calls year after year. Even in the declining years with only 12 contests a year more recently, contestants using Tim Grounds calls have won the majority. Roger’s was almost always dominated by someone using a Tim Grounds, as was Mississippi Valley, and almost any other contest in the Midwest (thanks to Hunter and Robbie). That’s just of recently. Since the 90’s Grounds’ calls have been the dominating factor on stage. Winning world titles for Kelley Powers, Hunter Grounds, Robbie Iverson, and many more. With Tim having pioneered a new way to blow a goose call, it’s little wonder that his calls have such a winning history, however, even with all the other calls that have arrived on the market, Tim Grounds’ Championship calls still remain as the carrier of the crown. It will take a lot of winning, and some amazing feats to ever dethrone Tim Grounds and his calls from this number one spot.

All these listed call makers are incredibly talented, and they all produce some fantastic calls. From the “Dark Side” that Bill Saunders has in his lineup, to the “Pro Super Mag” from Tim Grounds, they are all fantastic. The only difference is the incredibly talented callers who have used them to win titles. While this list may change over time, there’s no disputing that these call makers have cemented their spot in history as some of the greatest ever.