Duck Camp Dinners S3 Ep. 5 | The Red River Provides Now LIVE!

In Louisiana, the Mississippi River and its drainages draw the most attention. The biggest river in North America is typically a beacon for ducks migrating south. However, dry early season conditions resulted in lackluster hunting. In an effort to change their luck, the crew headed west to the lesser-known Red River in episode 5 of Duck Camp Dinners. What they didn’t expect was how good the Red River and its surrounding marshes could be. Wads of pintails, teal, woodies, and more flocked to flooded corn fields in the thousands. The boys had finally found the birds, and what was ahead would be nothing short of epic.

While the crew was here for ducks, the Red River provided a diverse landscape and plentiful hunting opportunities. With limits full, a stroll through the woods with shotgun in hand resulted in a bountiful harvest of squirrel and wild mushrooms for the kitchen. Back at camp, Chef Jean-Paul and the crew got busy cooking up some mouth-watering meals. Everything from duck barria tacos to smothered squirrel is on the menu, so shoot straight and come hungry!

Thank you to our incredible partners and sponsors for making Duck Camp Dinners Season 3 possible.

Ducks UnlimitedConocoPhillipsLouisiana Office of TourismBoss ShotshellsSlap Ya Mama, and Louisiana Cookin’


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